Government should work to withdraw cases against farmers: Meghalaya Governor

Meghalaya Governor Satya Pal Malik said, “The government gives (guarantees) the legal framework on MSP.” Chandigarh:…

Farmers’ Protest: Karni Sena President Suraj Pal Amu demands Meghalaya Gov Satya Pal Malik’s resignation

President of Karni Sena, Suraj Pal Amu in an exclusive conversation with ABP News criticized Meghalaya…

Satya Pal Malik: ‘Leaders mourn the death of the dog, not the farmer, the governor is ready to step down’

Announcing that he was ready to step down to support the farmers’ movement, Meghalaya Governor Satya…

Farmers protest: Meghalaya Governor Satya Pal Malik once again targeted the central government

Meghalaya Governor Satya Pal Malik on Sunday announced that he is ready to step down to…

Opposition demands sacking of Goa CM after Satya Pal Malik’s corruption allegations

Opposition parties on Wednesday demanded the dismissal of Goa Chief Minister Pramod Sawant after former Governor…

‘Corruption is at its peak in Goa government, so I was removed’, demands Satyapal

Satya Pal Malik, the former Governor of Goa and the current Governor of Meghalaya, has made…

Mehbooba Mufti sends legal notice to Satya Pal Malik over “derogatory” remark

Mehbooba Mufti’s notice asked Satya Pal Malik to pay Rs 10 crore within 30 days (File)…

Farmer leaders said this on the offer of mediation by the Governor of Meghalaya

The BKU said it is ready to employ anyone as an intermediary if the demands of…

‘During my tenure, no terrorist could enter within 100 km of Srinagar’: Satya Pal Malik on civilian killings

Condemning the recent killing of civilians, former Jammu and Kashmir Governor, Satya Pal Malik said that…