World Sleep Day 2024: Why Sleep Should Be Every Student’s Priority – News18

Published By: Nibandh Vinod Last Updated: March 15, 2024, 07:05 IST Having quality sleep will help…

​Weight Management: What Is The New 30–30–30 Rule For Sustainable Fat Loss?​ Know All About It Here

In the ever-evolving landscape of weight management, a new approach has emerged, promising a revolutionary way…

World Trauma Day 2023: Simple And Efficient Ways Of Exercising After Injury- Expert View

In the realm of sports and athleticism, injuries are an undeniable part of the journey, an…

Dengue Cases On Rise! Take These Precautionary Measures To Safeguard Your Health

As a dengue outbreak sweeps through our nation, it is imperative that individuals, families, and communities…

Relaxing And Calming: Discovering The Magic Of Scented Candles And Reed Diffusers

Our living spaces have a remarkable ability to influence our mood, productivity and overall well-being. Creating…

Not Sleeping Enough? Time To Ditch Your Phone Before Bed

A peaceful night’s sleep is what gives our body and mind the much-needed rest after a…

The Impact Of Your Sleep Patterns On Schizophrenia: A Study

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh and Italy discovered common patterns of sleep abnormalities and irregularities…

Here Is Why Taking Adequate Amount Of Rest And Sleep Is Fundamental For A Healthy Life

Sleep is not just a waste of time but it plays a vital role in our…

Struggling For A Good Night’s Sleep? Try These 5 Soothing Essential Oils

Many essential oils can be used to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support a good night’s…

Quest For Inner Peace, Mindfulness Through Meditation And Yoga

Last Update: February 21, 2023, 09:37 IST There are several steps you can take to ensure…