Yemen’s Houthis attack two vessels in Red Sea, one sustains minor damage as tensions escalate

Image Source : AP A RAF Typhoon FGR4 aircraft returns to base following strikes against Houthi…

Indian Navy deploys warship INS Visakhapatnam in Gulf of Aden to assist British oil tanker

Image Source : ANI The British-owned Marlin Luanda tanker was attacked by Houthis. Red Sea attacks:…

Houthis escalate attacks on Red Sea as missile strike hits British fuel tanker in Gulf of Aden

Image Source : AP (FILE) The Houthis have protested US backing of Israel and have attacked…

China issues ultimatum to Iran – stop Houthi attacks in Red Sea or risk harming business relations

Image Source : AP (FILE) The Houthis have attacked ships in protest of Israel’s campaign in…

Houthis ask US, British nationals to leave Yemen within a month amid tensions in Middle East

Image Source : REUTERS Houthi supporters mourn the loss of fighters killed in US strikes in…