Recharge Your Mind: 7 Effective Ways To Detox And Rejuvenate

In our fast-paced world, where constant connectivity and information overload have become the norm, it’s crucial…

PM Modi launches week-long ‘Sankalp Saptaah’ at Bharat Mandapam for aspirational blocks

Image Source : PTI Prime Minister Narendra Modi Sankalp Saptaah: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday…

World No Tobacco Day: How Smoking Affects Your Quality Of Life? What You Should Know

Ahead of World No Tobacco Day, experts said tobacco consumption is linked to several diseases such…

The Impact Of Steroid Use On Risk Of Heart Disease, Can Worsen Quality Of Life: Study

Anabolic steroids (synthetic hormones that mimic the naturally occurring sex hormone testosterone) are used to increase…