Avian Influenza Detected In Four States: Centre Urges Immediate Preventive Measures

The Centre has asked all states and Union Territories to undertake several preventive measures in the…

China Reinstates COVID-19 Protocols Amid Pneumonia Outbreak – Precautions To Stay Safe

Amid a new mystery pneumonia outbreak, China has reintroduced masks and social distancing measures, reminiscent of…

Precautions You Must Take As Dengue Breaches 200-Mark In Gurgaon

Gurgaon has marked a concerning situation by surpassing 200 dengue cases on Monday and one reported…

Dengue Cases On Rise! Take These Precautionary Measures To Safeguard Your Health

As a dengue outbreak sweeps through our nation, it is imperative that individuals, families, and communities…

9 mid-air incidents since July 5 in Indian skies, raises security issues

Indian airways have been going via a turbulent section as plane have reported a number of…