Tender Coconut Water: Secret Weapon To Boost Mental & Physical Performance In Summers

Dehydration can lead to a myriad of health issues, including fatigue, dizziness, headaches, and even cognitive…

World Health Day 2024: How Are Physical And Mental Health Connected? Expert Shares Dos & Donts For Optimal Wellbeing

We often overlook our mental health because it’s not as readily visible as physical ailments. However,…

What Happens When You Look At Your Phone Right After Waking Up?

The majority of us check our phones as soon as we wake up. There are several…

World Mental Health Day: Expert Shares How Stress Can Impact Physical Health

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an unavoidable companion in our daily lives. From the…

Sleep-Liver Connection: How Sleep Apnea Impacts Liver Health? Expert Shares Ways For Effective Treatment

Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by interrupted breathing during sleep, leading to frequent awakenings and…

Dancing Beyond Cardio: 5 Reasons Why Dance Enhances Physical Fitness And Mental Well-Being

Dancing is more than just rhythmic movements to music; it’s a transformative activity that seamlessly integrates…

Ear Health: 7 Yoga Asanas to Improve Hearing

In a world filled with noise and distractions, our sense of hearing often takes a backseat…

Basic Blood Test Can Predict Heart And Kidney Risks For People With Diabetes, Study Reveals

An analysis of a clinical trial of more than 2,500 people with type 2 diabetes and…

Enhancing Cognitive Abilities Through Physical Fitness: The Powerful Connection Between Daily Movement And Mental Health

The development of one’s emotional, mental, social, and physical selves are only a few of the…

Children Who Volunteer Are Less Likely To Have Anxiety, Depression: Study

A recent UTHealth Houston study found that children and teens who volunteered thrive both mentally and…