300 Sedative Pills Seized, 3 Arrested | Coimbatore News – Times of India

Coimbatore: Police arrested three men and seized 300 sedative pills from them during a vehicle check…

Ease of lack of Kovid-19 vaccine in the district Coimbatore News – Times of India

Coimbatore: Nearly two weeks after the district faced a shortage of vaccine storage, the health department…

Coimbatore North Tehsildar arrested taking bribe of Rs 25,000. Coimbatore News – Times of India

Coimbatore: Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) arrested on Friday Coimbatore North Tehsildar K gokilamani51, while…

2 crore administered Covid jab in Tamil Nadu | Coimbatore News – Times of India

CHENNAI: The number of people vaccinated against Kovid-19 crossed the 2 crore mark on Thursday. Of…