Kerala to Grant Menstrual Leave for Students of All State Universities: The Wider Debate EXPLAINED

The Kerala government on Monday announced that it will provide menstrual leave to girl students studying…

PCOS Awareness Month: Don’t blindly follow influencers; fight stigma with right information, say experts

New Delhi: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a common hormonal disorder amongst women of reproductive…

Question on period leave in Arunachal, ruckus in Bihar: RJD spokesperson Ritu said – If BJP’s bus runs, do not even allow women to enter the house during period

Patna3 hours ago copy link In the Legislative Assembly of Arunachal Pradesh, Congress MLA Ninang Ering…

Let’s talk period! Why it is necessary to normalize the conversation about menstruation and menstrual hygiene

Image Source: Freepik Why a conversation about menstruation is important [6:18 PM, 3/7/2022] Vaishali India Tv:…

Omicron may affect term insurance rates – Times of India

Mumbai: Discovery of the New omicron The type of coronavirus has delayed stability Period insurance market.…

Ruckus at the border when the police stopped the entry of trucks in Dell. Noida News – Times of India

Noida: Passengers faced a lot of trouble while traveling between Noida to Delhi. Kalindi Kunj 5km-long…

Period pain is a bad sign and other myths of periods! – times of India

Periods are still a topic that is quietly talked about. While it is high time that…