IDF operates in Jenin area in the West Bank, three terrorists killed – report

IDF special forces operated in Kafr Dan in the Jenin governate and eliminated three terrorists,…

Attempted stabbing attack near Abu Dis, police neutralized terrorist

In an attempted stabbing attack, a terrorist tried to stab Border Police near Abu Dis…

IDF eliminates top PIJ commander who helped carry out October 7 attacks

A joint attack by the IDF and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Services) killed one…

Jewish man wounded in stabbing attack in Hebron area

A Jewish man from Ashkelon was stabbed by a Palestinian in Dhahiriya, in the area…

40 suspects arrested throughout West Bank by Israeli security forces

Around 40 wanted persons were arrested throughout the West Bank on Tuesday night by the…

IDF troops arrest 14 suspects in West Bank