The XE variant of the coronavirus: ‘Highly permeable’ Omicron strain evades detection | know the details

Following the detection of the new Omicron variant, the WHO warned that it was too early…

Ommicron Edition Live Updates: All higher education institutions to reopen in Chandigarh on February 1

Image source: PTI. Health workers give booster doses of COVID vaccine to senior citizens at an…

Omicron version live updates: Kerala reports 54 new cases in last 24 hours

Image source: PTI. A healthcare worker takes a swab sample of an athlete for COVID testing…

Omron version live update: It is gradually replacing the delta version in several states, says ICMR official

Image source: PTI. A health worker at Mumbai’s Bandra Terminus collects swab samples of passengers for…

Omicron Edition Live Updates: Ganga Sagar Mela begins with strict protocol amid rising cases

Image source: PTI. A health worker takes samples for COVID test from a senior citizen at…

Center revises leave policy for Kovid patients

Image Source: PTI “Following a review meeting chaired by the Prime Minister on the COVID situation,…

India records 1,79,723 new covid cases, 146 deaths in last 24 hours

Image Source : PTI (FILE) India records 1,79,723 new covid cases, 146 deaths in last 24…

‘Precautionary dose’ for 60+ age group, healthcare, frontline workers starting today

Highlight The online registration for ‘Precautionary Dose’ has started from Friday (January 8). Precautionary dosage will…

Omicron Version Live Updates: Don’t take it lightly, don’t let your guard down; say health experts

Image source: PTI. Health workers outside the Kovid Care Center of a hospital in Ahmedabad. With…

Omicron Edition LIVE Updates: India will peak by February, says US-based health expert

Image source: PTI. A health worker takes a swab sample of a monk for COVID testing…