Smokeless Tobacco: Myths Vs Reality

Smokeless tobacco, often perceived as a safer alternative to smoking, has gained popularity in various forms…

E-Cigarettes And Cancer: Are They Really A Safer Alternative?

As smoking rates decline globally, many individuals have turned to e-cigarettes (electronic cigarettes) as a perceived…

Quit Tobacco, Save Your Smile: Benefits Of Quitting Tobacco For Oral Health

Tobacco use has profound and detrimental effects on oral health, leading to a range of issues…

World No Tobacco Day: Indias Struggle With Teenage Smoking

As the world prepares to observe World No Tobacco Day on May 31st, the spotlight illuminates…

Smoke Signals: How Quitting Smoking Triggers A Cascade Of Positive Changes In The Body

Quitting smoking initiates a cascade of positive changes in the body, significantly enhancing overall health and…

World No Tobacco Day 2024: Thinking of vaping to quit smoking? Learn how it can fuel nicotine addiction

Image Source : FREEPIK Learn how vaping can fuel nicotine addiction. Smoking has been universally recognised…

How Tobacco Affects Womens Health?

The global prevalence of tobacco usage among individuals aged >15 years was estimated at 22.3% in…

World No Tobacco Day 2023: Know which nation leads in tobacco production in Southeast Asia Region | DEETS

Image source: PIXABAY.COM World No Tobacco Day 2023: Know which country is at the forefront of…

World No Tobacco Day 2022: These numbers will inspire you to quit smoking immediately

It is celebrated every year on 31st May World No Tobacco Day all over the world.…

World No Tobacco Day 2022: Date, History, Theme, Significance and all you need to know

Image Source: Freepik world no tobacco day World No Tobacco Day is observed annually on 31…