There was a pre-planned sabotage in the name of Agneepath in Ludhiana: crowd gathered through WhatsApp group, many international numbers also active

Vivek Sharma6 hours ago The sabotage on Saturday against the new scheme ‘Agneepath’ for army recruitment…

Ludhiana scorched in ‘Agneepath’ fire: youths vandalize railway station; Vehicle broke after stone pelting on police, 6 arrested

Ludhiana4 hours ago The heat of opposition to the Agneepath scheme of the central government has…

Ludhiana blast mastermind arrested: Amritsar’s Sammu and Dilbagh give IED to Gagandeep, NIA may take remand

Ludhiana3 minutes ago copy link The Punjab Police has reached the masterminds of the blasts on…

Savita to lead Indian women’s hockey team in Pro League games against Germany

Veteran India goalkeeper Savita will continue to lead the women’s hockey team, while defender Deep Grace…