अमूल के बाद मदर डेयरी ने बढ़ाए दूध के दाम: 2 रुपए लीटर इजाफा करने का फैसला, फुल क्रीम दूध अब 68 रुपए में मिलेगा

नई दिल्ली33 मिनट पहले कॉपी लिंक मदर डेयरी ने टोंड दूध की कीमत 54 रुपए से…

Amul reveals its milk price hike plan after Mother Dairy increased rates

Soon after Mother Dairy hiked its milk prices, all eyes were on the Amul as both…

Mother Dairy hikes prices of full-cream milk, token milk in Delhi-NCR | Details

Image Source : PTI Mother Dairy hikes milk price in Delhi NCR Mother Dairy has decided…

‘Mother Dairy’ milk becomes expensive, know the new price

Days after increasing the prices of Amul milk (packed) by Rs 2 per litre, Delhi’s leading…

From Sunday, Mother Dairy milk to cost Rs 2 per liter in Delhi NCR, other cities – Times of India

New Delhi: Leading Milk Supplier Mother Dairy Milk prices have been increased by Rs 2 per…