Gut-Lung Axis: Comprehensive Guide To Boosting Immunity And Preventing Pneumonia Risk

The intricate relationship between gut health and pneumonia risk has emerged as a defining chapter in…

How Passive Smoking Poses Serious Health Risks, Including Increased Exposure To Tuberculosis, Shares Expert

The involuntary inhaling of tobacco product smoke from other people’s cigarettes, cigars, or pipes is known…

Why people with diabetes are more prone to respiratory risk – study

It has been known for decades that diabetics and pre-diabetics with high levels of blood…

Silent Threat: How Indoor Pollution Impacts Cognitive Health? Expert Shares

In the quest for a healthy lifestyle, many individuals focus on outdoor air quality, often overlooking…

Air Pollutions Impact On Cardiovascular Health – Expert On Dangers, Preventive Steps To Take

As we move towards the year-end and temperatures start to dip, the air quality in several…

Ease Lung Infection By Eating Kale, Cauliflower And Broccoli, Says Study

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute found that the AHR aryl hydrocarbon receptor is a protein…

EXCLUSIVE- Travelling To The Mountains? Expert Explains How Sudden Cardiac Arrest Can Be Triggered At High Altitudes

According to a recent research from the American Heart Association that offers guidance against engaging in…

Tips to reduce impact of air pollution on your lungs

Last Update: February 11, 2023, 17:30 IST Regularly breathing in dirty air can damage your lungs.…