Kerala +2 result lowest in recent times: See pass percentage, drop in A+ grade

Kerala has seen one of the worst results in recent times. Not only has there been…

DHSE Kerala +2 Result 2022: How to check 12th marks online through SMS, Digilocker

Higher Secondary Department education (DHSE) Kerala is all set to declare the +2 or class 12…

Websites to Check DHSE Kerala 12th Result at, Plus 2 Marks Online

After declaring the class 10 results, now the Kerala board is all set to declare the…

Kerala +2 Plus Two Result Live Updates: DHSE 12th HSLC Marks Memo on, PRD, Saphlam

read more Alternatively, students can also check their marks online at these websites –,,…

DHSE Kerala +2 result not today: Check when and where marks here

The Department of Higher Secondary (DHSE), Kerala is all set to declare the class 12 results.…

Car rammed into crowd in Lucknow, one killed: Youth who ran after fighting at Tilak ceremony crushed 6 people; 5 serious

Mohanlalganj2 minutes ago A big case of hit and run has come to the fore in…