Passover: What you need to know about the Jewish holiday – explainer

Springtime is here, and with that comes the annual Jewish holiday of Passover. One of…

Biden centers hostages, Middle East tensions in Passover message

US President Joe Biden issued a statement on Sunday in advance of the Jewish holiday…

Going against the grain? Understanding the Passover kitnyot debate

Judaism is famous for its dietary restrictions, but Passover takes it to another level by…

Grassroots efforts connect Jewish Latinos amid Israel-Hamas war – opinion

A strategic collaboration between ISRAEL-is and the American Jewish Committee (AJC) embarks on a poignant…

What did biblical prophets say about the solar eclipse

Nearly a hundred years have passed since the last solar eclipse graced New York’s skies,…

Northern city constructs new neighborhood under heavy Lebanon rocket fire

Metulah, Israel’s northernmost city, which abuts the border with Lebanon, was desolate last Thursday morning…

Modern-day Maccabees: A mother’s musings on IDF reservists – opinion

Five months ago, thousands upon thousands of Israelis – several of my amazing kids among…

Parashat Vayahkhel: Shabbat – the sign of connection

In the Torah portion of Vayakhel, we read about the collection of donations for the…

Call of war: Have Orthodox Israelis been using phones on Shabbat since Oct. 7?

On Simchat Torah, Oct. 7, 2023, our world changed forever. As Israelis and Jews all…

Comforting the Jewish people in their grief of October 7

To my Jewish brothers and sisters: Shalom.  My name is Alexander, and I had the…