Increased concern about Corona: Health Ministry said – Infection is increasing in 22 districts of 7 states including Kerala for the last 4 weeks, do not take it lightly

Hindi News National Coronavirus Status India Update; Manipur Kerala Meghalaya Health Ministry Lav Agarwal on COVID…

Crowd unlocked between Corona: Health Ministry’s taunt on careless people – Talking about the third wave of Corona, people understand that we are giving weather updates

Hindi news national Coronavirus Third Wave Status India Update; Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health…

Trouble on Corona: In Maharashtra-Kerala infection is uncontrollable, 53% of the country’s cases are here; Due to the opening of the tourist place, the risk of spreading the virus at a high speed

Hindi news national Coronavirus Second Wave Situation India Update; Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health…

Side effect of unlock: Health Ministry expressed concern over increasing congestion in hill station and market, said- second wave of corona still present

Hindi news national Coronavirus Second Wave Situation Latest Updates; Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health…

Corona weak but not under control: 13% decrease in new cases compared to last week, positivity rate still more than 10% in 71 districts

Hindi news national Decrease in coronavirus cases in India Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health…

Big drop in new cases of Corona: New cases decreased by 91% compared to peak of second wave, recovery rate reached 96.9%

Hindi news national New cases are 91 percent less than the peak of the second wave,…