IDF arrests terror suspects overnight in multiple locations across the West Bank

IDF announces fallen soldier

IDF announces names of two fallen soldiers

The IDF announced on Friday the names of two soldiers who fell in battle in…

IDF intercepts suspicious aerial target from the east, sirens sound in Na’ura

A suspicious aerial target was identified approaching Israel from the east overnight Friday, the IDF…

IDF fires artillery toward Nuseirat in central Gaza overnight

Settlers injure three IDF soldiers who responded to reports of violence in the West Bank

On Thursday evening, Israeli media reported that dozens of Israeli settlers attacked and injured an…

IDF destroys terrorist launch sites in Rafah that were used to fire at Beersheba

IDF soldiers of the 401st Brigade destroyed two launch sites in Rafah where terrorists had…

IDF finds combat equipment in West Bank, seven wanted individuals arrested

IDF, Shin Bet, and Border Police operated on Friday night to arrest seven wanted individuals…

Special forces commander: We found weaponry hidden at Shifa in overnight raid

Lieutenant-Colonel A, a Shayetet 13 special forces commander, reported that Israeli troops had located weapons…

IDF, IAF eliminate 25 terrorists over the past day in Gaza

The Israeli Air Force, in cooperation with IDF ground forces, killed about 25 terrorists over…