Yemen’s Houthis attack two vessels in Red Sea, one sustains minor damage as tensions escalate

Image Source : AP A RAF Typhoon FGR4 aircraft returns to base following strikes against Houthi…

Indian Navy deploys warship INS Visakhapatnam in Gulf of Aden to assist British oil tanker

Image Source : ANI The British-owned Marlin Luanda tanker was attacked by Houthis. Red Sea attacks:…

China issues ultimatum to Iran – stop Houthi attacks in Red Sea or risk harming business relations

Image Source : AP (FILE) The Houthis have attacked ships in protest of Israel’s campaign in…

INS Visakhapatnam Rescues Marshall Island Ship With 9 Indians After Drone Attack In Gulf Of Aden

The ship sent a distress call, which was received by the Indian Navy’s guided missile destroyer,…

Israel Deploys Missile Boats To Red Sea After Houthi Attacks

Israel bolstered its naval presence in the Red Sea area on Wednesday following repeated missile and…