Today’s History: Famous cartoon character Tintin was born, crores of copies of this comics have been sold all over the world

Hindi News National Famous cartoon character Tintin was born, millions of copies of this comic have…

Today’s history: 135 years ago the Statue of Liberty was inaugurated, reached New York from Paris in 4 months, this gift of French friendship

Hindi News National Today’s History Today’s History 28 October | Statue of Liberty construction begins and…

Today’s history: When the first plane collided with the World Trade Center, people thought it was an accident, after 18 minutes the second one collided, then the terrorist attack came to know

Hindi News National When the first plane hit the World Trade Center, people thought it was…

Today’s history: The first picture of the sunken Titanic was revealed to the world, 109 years ago at midnight, the graveyard of 1500 people was built

Hindi News National Google Titanic: Today’s History Today’s History September 4 | 1985 Titanic Shipwreck Original…

Today’s History: When the telegraph message was sent from London to Washington for the first time, it took 18 hours for the US President to get the message of the Queen of Britain

Hindi News National Today’s History Today’s History August 16 | Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s death 2018 and…

Today’s History: The story of the Kakori incident that happened 96 years ago; Shocked by the loot of Rs 4,601, the British hanged 4 revolutionaries

Hindi News National Today’s History (Today’s History) 9 August | 1922 Chauri Chaura incident and the…

Today’s history: 73 years ago the world’s first jet plane took off for the first time, it was banned due to continuous accidents in 5 years

Hindi News National Today’s History (Today’s History) July 27 | The de Havilland Comet, the world’s…

Today’s history: 24 days before the independence of the country, how the national flag will be decided, every color involved in it and Ashok Chakra also got a new interpretation

Hindi News National Today’s History (Today’s History) 22 July: Indian Flag Design by Pingali (or Pingale)…

Today’s history: Theater was started in the country 138 years ago, the play ‘Daksha Yagya’ was staged in Kolkata’s Star Theater

Hindi news national Today’s History (Today’s History) 21 July: 1883 Kolkata Star Theater England v Australia…

Today’s history: 14 private banks were nationalized, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s decision was being opposed by her own Finance Minister Morarji Desai

Hindi news national Today’s History (Today’s History) 19 July: Nationalization of Indian Banks by Prime Minister…