Effective Exercises To Keep Your Heart Healthy And Happy

Promoting heart health during the winter and festivities can be a bit challenging due to colder…

Relationship Goals: 6 Reasons Why Couples Who Work Out Together Thrive

Maintaining a healthy relationship is an ongoing journey that requires effort, communication, and mutual growth. One…

Want To Take Your Fitness To the Next Level? 6 Reasons Why You Should Be Doing Cardio

Exercise that elevates your heart rate and improves blood circulation throughout the body is called cardio.…

How does HIIT or high-intensity interval training help you?

Scientists have shed fresh light on the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on human skeletal…

Supreme Court cancels 10.5 percent reservation for Vaniyars in Tamil Nadu

Image Source: PTI Supreme Court abolishes 10.5 per cent reservation for Vaniyars in Tamil Nadu Highlight…