Uber Driver’s Continuous Calls Leave Bengaluru Woman Upset

Bengaluru pastry chef Joonie Tan recounted an unsettling Uber ride where the driver’s constant phone calls…

Spotlight On Brain Tumor Awareness: Decoding Early Signs And Symptoms

Brain Tumors, though relatively rare, can significantly impact individuals and their families. Early detection of the…

Side Effects Of Quitting Smoking

The side effects of quitting smoking can be extreme for some. Many people will have withdrawal…

Kerala Girl Takes Dip In Pond, Dies from Brain-Eating Amoeba

Kerala: A five-year-old girl in Malappuram district, has been diagnosed with amoebic meningoencephalitis, a rare brain…

Headache Cure: 5 Drinks To Get Relief

Headaches can strike at the most inconvenient times, leaving us searching for relief. While there’s no…

Have A Throbbing Headache? Know Importance Of Sleep Hygiene In Managing Crippling Migraine

Migraine, a prevalent form of primary headache, is distinguished by pulsating pain on one side of…

France On Alert As Deadly Eye-Bleeding Virus Emerges: What You Need To Know

France Discovers Eye-Bleeding Virus: A menacing eye-bleeding virus is currently wreaking havoc in France, marking its…

Discomfort In Lower Limbs In Youngsters Linked With Risk Of Migraine: Study

Pain in the lower limbs of children and adolescents may reflect a precursor or comorbidity with…

How Is Stress And Headache Related To Brain Tumours? Check Expert Guide

Brain tumors can cause swelling and tissue damage by increasing the pressure inside the skull. A…

Smog continues to blanket New York as wildfires blaze in Canada

Image source: AP The Washington Monument in a thick layer of smoke in Washington. Smog enveloped…