Knesset defense committee to resume haredi draft bill debate with classified meeting

The Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee (FADC) will convene on Monday for a classified…

It’s too little, too late to draft haredim into the IDF – comment

The High Court of Justice’s ruling on Tuesday stated the obvious: that the government of…

It’s time to make the IDF haredi-friendly – opinion

Israel should create a military environment in which it is possible to study and maintain a…

Haim Bibas criticizes the ‘Rabbis Law’, calls for focus on north and south

Mayor of Modi’in-Maccabim-Reut and chairman of the Federation of Local Authorities in Israel, Haim Bibas,…

State Department still determining if Netzah Yehuda unit remediated after human rights violations

The State Department continues to be in conversation with the Israeli government regarding the Netzah…

New York Jewish students dig tunnel into Chabad headquarters, arrested

NEW YORK – Police took 12 Chabad members into custody Monday night at the Lubavitch movement’s…

War has brought haredi community closer to mainstream Israel – poll

A survey recently conducted among Israel’s haredi community has unveiled significant shifts in their attitudes…