गांव पर गिरा तोप का गोला, 3 लोगों की मौत: गया में मिलिट्री फायरिंग रेंज के पास हादसा, होली खेलते समय चीथड़े उड़े; 3 घायल

Hindi News local A state in Eastern India Went Explosion in Gaya village… Cannon ball fell…

पिंडदान करने गया आ रहे हैं, ये खबर आपके लिए: फ्री में रुकने से लेकर 4500 रुपए तक के होटल, पिंडदान आपके बजट के अनुसार

Hindi News Local Bihar Gaya Coming To Gaya For Pind Daan…Keep These Things In Mind, From…

Traveling 190KM sitting under the engine of the train: When the driver got down in Gaya, he heard the sound of asking for water, people pulled him out

Gone41 min ago Traveling by train… is common. But, traveling under his engine, that too 190…

Bihar: Murder witness shot dead outside Gaya court Patna News – Times of India

GAYA: One Babu Dhobi A witness (32) in the double murder case was shot dead by…

Corona infected with Vice President: Infected in Mongolian delegation met Venkaiah Naidu 3 days ago, also visited Buddha temple in Gaya

Gaya20 hours ago The report of one person from the delegation of 23 members who came…

Naxalites hanged 4 family members: Killed two brothers and their wives in Gaya, hanged the dead body, then blew up the house

Gayaone day before Naxalites killed and hanged 4 family members in Gaya. Naxalites have carried out…