Maruti, Hyundai see drop in retail sale market share in FY23: FADA

Image Source: Representative Image Maruti, Hyundai see retail sales decline in FY23: FADA New Delhi: According…

Car sales to cruise along, bikes likely to slow down – Times of India


Chip shortage, Russo-Ukraine war: FADA . Passenger vehicle retail sales down 5% in March due to

new Delhi: Automobile dealers’ body Federation of Automobile Dealers Association (FADA) on Tuesday said retail sales…

8% drop in retail sales of passenger vehicles in February due to chip shortage, FADA

new Delhi: Automobile dealers’ body Federation of Automobile Dealers Association (FADA) on Friday said passenger vehicle…

Automobile retailing in fast lane in July as Covid-19 restrictions ease – Times of India

New Delhi: Automobile retail sales in India made a strong comeback in July with the opening…