Taub Center demands urgent reforms to elder care financing system

Although Israel’s birth rate is very high compared to other Western countries, the population is…

World Senior Citizen Day 2023: 5 best ways to take care of the elder ones in family

Image Source : FREEPIK These are the 5 best ways to take care of the elder…

Insurance Query: Choosing a Suitable Health Cover

I am planning to buy health insurance for my parents. Both are over 60 years of…

US Approves GSK’s Arexy Vaccine for RSV, a Virus Causing Pneumonia and Bronchiolitis

Last Update: May 04, 2023, 00:27 AM IST RSV usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms, but can…

How Can You Protect Seniors From Winter Cold?

Last Update: January 23, 2023, 21:35 IST Winter can provide some difficulties and health hazards especially…

Aug 21 is World Senior Citizen’s Day: Financial Tips to Save, Enjoy Money in Your Twilight Years

India is home to a 104 million-strong population of people who are aged 60 years and…

World Senior Citizen’s Day 2022: Date, History and Significance

WORLD SENIOR CITIZEN’S DAY 2022: Each year, August 21 is celebrated as World Senior Citizens’ Day.…

Comfortable Vacation Spots for Elderly Travelers in India

After a lifetime of hard work, retiring from work definitely calls for a celebration. And what…

World’s oldest person, Kane Tanaka, dies in Japan aged 119

Public broadcaster NHK on Monday reported that the world’s oldest person, Kane Tanaka, had passed away…

Why Pneumonia That Lata Mangeshkar was Battling With is Common Among Elderlies

On February 6, legendary playback singer Lata Mangeshkar died after a prolonged battle with pneumonia and…