Debate: PM Modi losing ‘trust’? , agricultural law return

The sudden announcement by the prime minister on Friday that three controversial agricultural laws would be…

UP elections: Which party will people trust? | Discussion

Priyanka Gandhi today announced that if Congress comes to power, ad hoc and contract workers will…

Five signs your partner needs some time to himself

Sometimes reading non-verbal clues is important to gain the big picture (Image: Shutterstock) At times, even…

Debate over vaccination record on PM’s birthday: Why doesn’t the opposition want to believe?

Watch the debate over vaccination records on PM Modi’s birthday. Why doesn’t the opposition want to…

International Cat Day 2021: The Dogs vs. Cats Debate: A Temporary Trivia Or An Enduring Enigma?

International Cat Day 2021: A painful dilemma arises when deciding which pet to get – canine…

PM Modi to become the first Indian Prime Minister to chair an open debate at UNSC

New Delhi: The Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi will virtually chair a debate on maritime security…