New species of dinosaur discovered in Argentina

A new species of long-necked herbivorous dinosaur was discovered in the province of Neuquén, Argentina,…

Dinosaur Day 2023: Top 10 Dinosaur Movies Of All Time

published by, Nibandh Vinod Last Update: June 01, 2023, 06:55 AM IST Dinosaur Day, celebrated on…

Fossils Of Explosive Fruit Sandwiched Between Volcanic Rock Layers Found In India

New Delhi: India was a rogue subcontinent on a collision course with Asia, just before the…

Bird-like dinosaur? Yes, fossils show that such creatures existed in Great Britain 100 million years ago

New Delhi: Paleontologists have discovered fossils of a bird-like dinosaur that dates back to the Early…

Bhaskar Explanor: Asteroid bigger than the Eiffel Tower will pass by the earth today; Will it hit the earth? How much danger do we have?

5 hours ago Today at around 7.30 pm, a large asteroid greater than 330 meters will…

Dinosaur takes to UN General Assembly stage to tell world leaders: ‘Choose not to go extinct’

An extremely unusual and rare visitor made an appearance at the United Nations General Assembly, calling…