Keeping Diabetes In Check: Diabetes Screening And Monitoring In Men

Diabetes, a chronic condition characterized by high blood sugar levels, affects millions of men worldwide. Early…

Diabetes In Children: 7 Warning Signs That Parents Should Be Aware Of

Type 2 Diabetes, traditionally associated with adults, is now making its presence felt among children and…

Medical Mishap: Women Left Unattended After Sedation As Surgeon Takes 4-Hour Tea Break

Last week, a government-aided tubectomy camp held in Khat village, 40km off Nagpur, witnessed a tense…

Is It Safe For Diabetes Patients To Donate Blood?

Blood donation is considered one of the sacred tasks. It saves the lives of millions of…

Healthy Breakfast Can Control Blood Sugar Levels, Know How?

Proper and timely diet is an important factor to manage blood sugar levels in individuals, especially,…

PF and Allowance in Salary to Increase under New Labor Code? What We Know So Far

The four labor codes, which the government has been trying to implement, have been in the…