Uttarakhand COVID-19 Curfew will continue for another week. what is allowed, what is not

Image Source: PTI As per the latest guidelines, wEditing ceremony is allowed with 50% capacity of…

Uttarakhand: Kovid-19 curfew has been extended for one more week. check details

follow us on Image Source : File Photo / PTI Uttarakhand: Kovid curfew extended till September…

Guidelines issued for physical opening of Assam courts from September 6

Image Source: PTI Guidelines issued for physical opening of Assam courts from September 6 The Gauhati…

Uttarakhand: Kovid curfew extended till August 31. See details

Image Source: PTI COVID: Curfew in Uttarakhand extended till August 31 The Uttarakhand government on Monday…

Karnataka schools reopening: Karnataka classes 9 to 12 schools reopen, check COVID-19 guidelines

Schools in Karnataka reopen: Schools from class 9th to 12th in Karnataka have been reopened from…

Kerala government revises COVID-19 regulations, all activities closed on July 31 and August 1

Kerala will be under complete lockdown this weekend (July 31 and August 1) amid fears of…

UK’s Johnson under pressure to sack health secretary – Times of India

London: British Prime Minister Boris johnson There was mounting pressure to sack his health secretary on…