COVID: Global pandemic caseload tops 402.8 million

Image Source : AP/ REPRESENTATIONAL (FILE). COVID: Global caseload tops 402.8 million. Highlights Deaths surged to…

COVID: Kanpur imposes new restrictions; gym, swimming pool closed

Image source: PTI/Rep (File). COVID: Kanpur imposed new restrictions, gym, swimming pool closed Highlight Gym, swimming…

Pfizer’s COVID Antiviral Pill An Important Step Towards Away From Pandemic: Joe Biden

Image source: AP/Rep (File). Pfizer’s COVID Antiviral Pill Is Important Step Toward Outbreak Of Pandemic: Joe…

Coronavirus stress: How stressful is COVID-19 for you? Your hair can tell the answer!

While the scientists who conducted the study stress the need for better attention to family well-being…

COVID: Over 66.89 crore vaccine doses provided to states, UTs: Center

Image source: PTI/Rep. Over 66.89 crore vaccine doses provided to states, union territories: Centre. The Union…

Big warning about the third wave: Vaccine-made herd immunity also failed in front of the delta variant; Difficult to predict when the infection will stop

Hindi News National Coronavirus Delta Variant Alert; UK vaccine expert How long is the infection period…