Racism not a factor in British PM race, says Rishi Sunak – Times of India

LONDON: Former Chancellor Rishi Sunak said on Sunday that racism is not a factor in the…

Rishi Sunak admits he is falling behind in race to grow to be UK PM – Instances of India

LONDON: Rishi Sunak conceded he was the underdog within the race to be the following Conservative…

Tide turns for Rishi Sunak? Bookie odds, Tory voters favour Liz Truss in UK PM race – Instances of India

LONDON: British International Secretary Liz Truss on Tuesday prolonged her bookmaker odds because the favorite to…

Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss neck and neck after first TV debate conflict – Instances of India

Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak throughout the BBC Conservative Get together management debate in Stoke-on-Trent, England.…

UK PM candidate Rishi Sunak lays out 10-point plan to curb unlawful immigration

Rishi Sunak on Sunday targeted on the delicate difficulty of immigration by promising a “wholesome dose…

Sunak vows to place UK on ‘disaster footing’ if elected PM, calls himself an underdog – Occasions of India

LONDON: Rishi Sunak has unleashed an intense marketing campaign spree this weekend in his mission to…

Rishi Sunak below UK media lens for ‘privileged’ upbringing – Occasions of India

LONDON: Rishi Sunak’s private wealth as a perceived barrier in his path to connecting with the…

Rishi Sunak faces picture and tax challenges in UK PM run-off – Occasions of India

LONDON: Rishi Sunak will declare credit score for steering Britain‘s economic system via the Covid-19 crash…

It is Rishi Sunak vs Liz Truss in ultimate spherical of contest for UK PM – Instances of India

NEW DELHI: Rishi Sunak has gone by way of to the ultimate stage of the UK…

Be careful, Rishi Sunak: Rivals Penny Mordaunt, Liz Truss closing hole in UK PM race

The battle for 10 Downing Road heated up additional on Tuesday, as former finance minister Rishi…