Winter Cold And Cough Remedies: 7 Ayurvedic Solutions To Ease Stuffy Nose Naturally

As the winter chill sets in, so does the season of sniffles and coughs. A stuffy…

Stuffy Nose? 9 Sinus Symptoms You Cannot Ignore

sinus infection: Sinusitis occurs when the tissue lining your sinuses becomes inflamed or swollen. Your face…

Children Build Immunity Against COVID-19 Due To Common Cold: Study

Flu and COVID-19: During the pandemic, medical doctors and researchers observed that children and adolescents infected…

Amid rising virus cases, IMA advises doctors to avoid prescription of antibiotics for seasonal flu

Image source: File Amid rising virus cases, IMA advises doctors to avoid prescribing antibiotics for seasonal…

5 Common cold remedies for children

Common cold remedies: It always worries you as a parent to comfort your child when they…

Omicron is not a common cold, warns WHO

Image source: AP. A man is swabbed for COVID at a walk-up testing site in Farragut…

Is cold making life difficult? 4 Simple Ways To Get A Good Night’s Sleep Despite Illness

Cold and flu are common health conditions during the winter season. However, symptoms such as a…

Covid-19 may become childhood disease in few years: Study – Times of India

Washington: COVID-19 Other common-colds may behave like coronaviruses in the next few years, affecting mostly young…

Covid delta variant as contagious as chickenpox, causes more severe infection: report

New York City: An internal presentation circulated within the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention…