Cyclone Biparjoy: Over 30,000 people evacuated, Amit Shah chairs review meeting | DETAILS

Image Source: PTI Cyclone Biparjoy: Over 30,000 people evacuated, Amit Shah holds review meeting | Description…

Curbs lifted, tourism hums in coastal districts | Mangaluru News – Times of India

Mangaluru: The tourismfood and beverages industry that saw a poor season because of the Omicron threat…

Autonomous colleges to add additional courses Mangaluru News – Times of India

Mangaluru: Will add autonomous undergraduate (UG) colleges in the coastal district additional courses of their choice…

The coastal districts make ‘Laksh Kanta Gaya’ a success. Mangaluru News – Times of India

People in Mangaluru: coastal districts The ‘Kannadakkagi Naavu’ initiative is a memorable program sung by ‘Barisu…