Why has a visit by US lawmakers to India annoyed China? EXPLAINED

Image Source : AP Chinese President Xi Jinping A delegation of US lawmakers met the exiled Tibetan spiritual…

Gaza ceasefire, Ukraine war and bilateral cooperation: Here’s what Macron discussed with China’s Xi Jinping

Image Source : REUTERS French President Emmanuel Macron and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Paris.…

China’s Xi Jinping meets former Taiwan President, says no one can stop ‘family reunion’

Image Source : REUTERS Chinese President Xi Jinping with former Taiwan President Ma Ying-Jeou in Beijing…

Xi warns Biden, China won’t ‘sit on its hands’ if ‘Taiwan independence’ forces step up attacks

Image Source : AP (FILE) Chinese President Xi Jinping with US counterpart Joe Biden in California…

China releases 30 more names for places in Arunachal Pradesh despite India’s strong objection over issue

Image Source : AP Chinese President Xi Jinping Beijing: China has released a fourth list of…

Xi’s stern message to top officials: ‘Keep away from corruption, refrain from obeying foreign examples’

Image Source : AP Chinese President Xi Jinping Chinese President Xi Jinping has warned senior ruling…

‘Won’t let war break out…’: Taiwan’s vice-presidential frontrunner blames China for tensions

Image Source : REUTERS Taiwan’s presidential elections will be held on January 13, 2024. Taiwan’s ruling…

Beijing Will Reunify Taiwan With Mainland China: Xi Warns Biden

Chinese President Xi Jinping has warned his US counterpart Joe Biden that Beijing will reunify Taiwan…

Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen offers assistance to China after deadly earthquake amid tensions

Image Source : REUTERS/FILE Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen In an unexpected development, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen…

China’s Xi Jinping visits Vietnam after Hanoi resets ties with US, calls for ‘mutually acceptable solutions’

Image Source : AP Chinese President Xi Jinping with Vietnamese Communist Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu…