128 Persons Test Positive For Covid-19 | Varanasi News – Times of India

Varanasi: While 128 persons tested positive for coronavirus infection, 242 patients were declared cured in Varanasi…

Varanasi: Campaign to check infectious diseases will start from 7th September. Varanasi News – Times of India

VARANASI: In view of the possible third wave of COVID-19, the district administration has geared up…

Kovid-19: No new case found in Varanasi district, five cured. Varanasi News – Times of India

VARANASI: No person tested positive for Covid-19 while five patients were cured in Varanasi district on…

Active Covid cases reach 28 mark in Kashi as one tests positive. Varanasi News – Times of India

VARANASI: In 6,259 reports, one person tested positive for Covid-19 in Varanasi district on Wednesday. No…

No new covid case reported in Varanasi district, two have been cured. Varanasi News – Times of India

VARANASI: No new case of Kovid-19 was reported, while two patients were cured in Varanasi district…