Knee Pain After Running? Expert Shares Common Causes And Tips For Relief

Knee pain, a persistent woe for many runners, can be a stumbling block in the pursuit…

Why Do Joints Pain More In Winter? Tips To Tackle Stiff Knees And Aches, Expert Shares

As winter sets in, many individuals find themselves grappling with increased joint pain, a phenomenon often…

Regular Consumption Of Soft Drinks Make Bones Fragile: Experts

Orthopaedic experts claim that regular consumption of soft drinks, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, are making…

Top 10 Calcium-Rich Dry Fruits For Strong And Healthy Bones

Strong bones are essential for overall health, and one crucial nutrient for bone health is calcium.…

Arthritis Management: 10 Essential Steps For A Pain-Free Life

Arthritis, a prevalent but often misunderstood condition affecting millions globally, necessitates understanding and proactive management. Arthritis,…

Boost Bone Health With These 5 Homemade Drinks

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining strong bones is essential for overall well-being. While a balanced diet…

Increasing Peas And Beans Is Safe For Bone Health, Protein Intake: Study

Increasing the consumption of legumes, such as peas and faba beans and reducing red meat consumption…

What Is ‘Duck Walk’ In Old Age? Expert Shares Tips On Maintaining Normal Mobility

As individuals age, wear and tear of the knee due to osteoarthritis can lead to a…

Vitamin-D Deficiency May Increase Blood Pressure, Heart Disease: Study

Vitamin D, also known as the sunshine vitamin, is not only good for your bones, but…

4 Foods That Have More Calcium Than A Glass Of Milk

Our bones and teeth are where the body stores most of its calcium. and in smaller…