Beef or no to beef question in Kottayam, as Zilla Panchayat attempts to cap price meat industry smokes

Beef, often a source of controversy but delighting many Malayalees beyond political and religious differences in…

World Vegetarian Day 2021: Theme, History and Significance

October 1 is celebrated as World Vegetarian Day. According to the official website of World Vegetarian…

BJP minister’s beef love: Meghalaya government minister Sanbor Shulai told people – eat beef fiercely, BJP will not bring any law here

Hindi News National BJP minister in Meghalaya government Sanbor Shulai asked people to eat beef more…

Meghalaya: Sanbor Shulai urges people to eat beef more than any other meat

Sanbor Shulai, a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) minister in the Meghalaya government, is encouraging the people…

Meghalaya BJP MLA Sanbor Shulai asks people to ‘eat beef more than any other meat’

BJP leader and Meghalaya cabinet minister Sanbor Shulai on Friday said there is a need to…