Avian Influenza Detected In Four States: Centre Urges Immediate Preventive Measures

The Centre has asked all states and Union Territories to undertake several preventive measures in the…

Bird Flu Cases Detected In Humans In US, Australia: Should You Be Concerned? Experts Explain

Detection of avian or bird flu in two humans in the US and one in Australia…

Bird Flu Scare: What Is Avian Influenza And Can It Lead To Covid-19-Like Pandemic? What Expert Says

After a rare human case of bird flu was discovered in Texas, experts in the US…

China Reports World’s First Human Death From H3N8 Bird Flu Virus

Beijing: A Chinese woman has become the first person to die from a type of bird…

China records first H3N8 bird flu death I Should India need to worry?

Image source: AP representative image bird flu: China has recorded its first human death due to…

Bird Flu Outbreak: 11-Year-Old Girl Dies Due To H5N1 Avian Influenza in Cambodia; WHO Calls Situation ‘Worrying’

New Delhi: An 11-year-old girl in Cambodia has died of bird flu in the country’s first…