Everyday Health: Have We Stopped the Third Wave or Will It Come?

More than a year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our…

Everyday Health: How difficult is it for cancer patients to manage long-term Covid symptoms?

A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our society continues…

Everyday Health: Can You Take Your Flu Shot and COVID-19 Vaccine Together?

A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our society continues…

Everyday Health: Here’s why asymptomatic COVID in children is a cause for concern

A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our society continues…

Everyday Health: What is Hybrid Immunity? Can people who have been vaccinated after a COVID infection have it?

A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our society continues…

Everyday Health: Mu is a COVID ‘variant of interest’, its virulence yet to be determined

A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our society continues…

Everyday Health: How does Ayurveda help in post-Covid patient care?

A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our society continues…

Everyday Health: Should you donate blood if you have prolonged COVID symptoms?

A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our society continues…

Everyday Health: Besides Delta Variants, Four Other Notable Strains of COVID That Can Be Dangerous

A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our society continues…

Everyday Health: Does COVID-19 Cause Permanent Hearing Loss?

A year and a half after the coronavirus pandemic ravaged our collective lives, our society continues…