Food, job insecurity now primary concerns in Afghanistan: UN

Image Source: AP Food, job insecurity now primary concerns in Afghanistan: UN World Food Program (WFP)…

Jihadi attacks may increase in Kashmir; Pakistan’s TTP will increase in Taliban’s Afghanistan: India’s internal security report

Terrorist attacks possible in India amid Taliban occupation AfghanistanThe instability of a war-ravaged country could pave…

Women can’t be ministers, they should give birth: No women on Taliban in new Afghanistan government

Image Source: AP Taliban militants march towards Afghans raising slogans during an anti-Pakistan demonstration near the…

Modi at the 13th BRICS Summit: Presiding over the summit, the PM said – BRICS countries should fight terrorism together, resources should also be shared

Hindi News National Russian Minister Death | Russian President Vladimir Putin’s minister Yevgeny Zinichev killed in…

Taliban leader Mullah Hassan Akhund will lead the new Afghan government. audio bulletin

The Taliban announced on Tuesday that Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund would be the leader of the…

‘Recognizing’ the Taliban: Difficult for the world, an acid test for militants

While questions remain about whether or not to grant recognition to the Taliban’s ‘legality’, whether the…

Naveen Thakur of Himachal who returned from Afghanistan told Surat-e-Hal: Said – Women, children and old people dying in the stampede, Taliban are firing whenever they want; Crowds gathered outside the airport

Shimla10 minutes ago copy link Naveen Thakur with his sisters and family after his return from…

Taliban terrorists are being trained by Pakistan: Afghan pop star Aryana Saeed

Image Source : Aryna Saeed/Instagram Afghan pop star Aryna Saeed calls India a ‘true friend’ Afghanistan’s…

Britain struggles for influence as Afghan crisis ravages US ties

Image Source: AP Britain struggles for influence as Afghan crisis ravages US ties The chaotic withdrawal…

Afghanistan crisis: Kabul airport suspends operations until further notice

Image Source: AP Kabul airport suspends operations until further notice In a statement issued on Monday,…