Move It! Two-and-Half Hours of Aerobic Exercise per Week Decreases Liver fat: Study

The 150 minutes (or 2.5 hours) of moderate to vigorous aerobic activity per week recommended by…

These Aerobic Exercises Can Help You Stay Physically And Mentally Fit

Last Update: January 13, 2023, 6:41 pm IST Apart from promoting weight loss, running elevates your…

Water aerobics is the way to beat the heat this summer; know more

When we are in water our body comes in direct contact with water. It is very…

Bengal: Eyewitness to murder of Congress councilor Tapan Kandu found hanging; Note sheds light on ‘mental stress’

Image Source : PTI/Representational Bengal: Eyewitnesses of Congress councilor Tapan Kandu’s murder found hanging Highlight “From…