America: FMR Louisiana Guv Edwards taken to funeral site

Baton Rouge (US), July 19 (AP): Bagpipes played as honor guard carrying a flag-wrapped coffin containing…

Senator: Bipartisan infrastructure bill loses IRS provision

Washington, July 19 (AP): Republican Sen. Rob Portman has said a proposal to strengthen IRS enforcement…

US: Los Angeles hopes new mask mandate will reverse virus spike

LOS ANGELES, July 19 (AP) Los Angeles County residents are required to wear masks indoors again…

Vigilance should not be allowed to take root: Africa’s President Ramaphosa

Johannesburg, July 19 (PTI) In a webinar to mark the Nelson Mandela International Day, President Cyril…

Simple Hajj in Mecca for the second year, keeping in mind the pandemic

Mecca (Saudi Arabia), July 18 (AP): Tens of thousands of vaccinated Muslim pilgrims circled Islam’s holiest…

Corruption trial against jailed Zuma will resume from Monday

Johannesburg, Jul 18 (PTI) The corruption trial against former South African President Jacob Zuma is set…