T-AIM startups shine at global platform


Published: Published Date – 12:56 AM, Wed – 7 September 22

T-AIM startups shine at global platform
(Representational Image) Four of the five startups, which were chosen by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology for G20 DIN, are being supported by the T-AIM’s Revv Up Acceleration Programme.

Hyderabad: Two startups that are part of the Telangana Artificial Intelligence Mission (T-AIM) have won laurels at the G20 Digital Innovation Network (DIN) held in Indonesia. Edubuk, which is into skilling students in emerging technologies, was given the jury award in the education category. Another startup, Eunimart, won the audience award in the supply chain category.

Four of the five startups, which were chosen by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology for G20 DIN, are being supported by the T-AIM’s Revv Up Acceleration Programme. Edubuk Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer said the company has devised a screening test that will help the students make a career choice scientifically. It also addresses the skill gaps present by offering online, offline and recorded lessons in areas like artificial intelligence, cloud technologies and related courses. It also helps the students build their CVs on a blockchain. This is called the Edubuk profile. This database will be accessible to the companies that want to recruit. They will get CV-verified candidates.

“We have screened about 15,000 students so far. We have set a target to reach one lakh screenings this year. We have also created over 1,000 CVs on blockchain,” he said. It chose to work in the B2B space as handling individual students separately is a time-consuming affair. It has clients in India, Singapore, Middle East and other markets.

On the role of T-AIM, he said it is helping the company to tap the Government College where the technology solutions can be implemented and help the students in recruitment. It also helped the company participate in the G20 DIN. Shayak Mazumdar, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Eunimart, said his company created a product to address problems in sales, marketing, operations, finance and technology.

Small companies find it difficult to introduce technology in their business. Either they have to use multiple products or try to build their own tools. These will either be costly or time-consuming,” he said. The company created a technology solution integrating sales channels, supply, warehousing and logistics partners and others. It can also build bulk of the content for a catalogue using the supplied images.

“Customers can integrate their existing technologies with our suite. They can choose only the missing components. Since it is built on an open-source platform, they can build it further using the apps,” said Mazumdar. It already is working with 240 brands in India and is now working to expand in the US to tap the enterprise segment. It will have pay-per-use or subscription-based revenue models. Like with Edubuk, T-AIM also helped Eunimart to gain access to G20 DIN, he said.