Syria says Israeli strikes target sites near Damascus

The Israel Defense Forces allegedly targeted areas near Damascus with missile strikes early Thursday, Syrian state media said.

The SANA news agency reported that Syrian air defenses confronted “Israeli aggression,” and shot down “most of the enemy missiles.”

There were no further details about the alleged attack, which took place sometime after 1 am Thursday.

As a rule, Israel’s military does not comment on specific strikes in Syria, but has admitted to conducting thousands of sorties against Iran-backed groups attempting to gain a foothold in the country.

The alleged strike came some 24 hours after Israel allegedly fired surface-to-surface missiles at an observation post and “finance building” near the border town of Quneitra on the Syrian Golan Heights.

Israel later dropped leaflets on the area warning Syrian soldiers that they would be targeted for aiding Lebanese terror group Hezbollah.

“To the leaders and members of the Syrian army, we have warned you and continue to warn you, we will not stop as long as your cooperation with Hezbollah continues” the flyer read.

The flyer also directly named the Hezbollah official that the IDF believes is facilitating the relationship between the Iran-backed terror group and the Syrian military, Jawad Hasham, the son of Hajj Hasham, who leads Hezbollah’s efforts along the Syrian border.

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