Swiggy gives delivery workers managerial roles

Food delivery service Swiggy has started offering its delivery executives leadership positions within the company, a move that is likely to set a precedent in an era when gig workers are in high demand.

Swiggy, which is vying for the first position in India’s booming commerce industry, is currently enabling delivery executives who have been with the firm for 5-6 years to apply for senior roles. “It’s a test flight.” A person familiar with the situation told TOI, “The corporation is trying to reduce the obligation of 5-6 years.” According to hiring agencies, a food delivery executive generally earns an average of Rs 15,000 to Rs 18,000 per month, however, contractors or corporations guarantee around Rs 25,000 per month.

Swiggy can bring in a single delivery executive Rs 4-5 lakh annually

Swiggy Senior Fleet Manager positions can pay a similar delivery executive Rs 4-5 lakh per annum or even more in certain situations. According to industry estimates, depending on the specialization, the remuneration of a field manager can increase to around Rs 11 lakh per annum. “I started working with Swiggy in 2017 as a delivery partner.” By this point, I had completed my degree and was well versed in computers and Microsoft Excel. Sharath, an area manager at Swiggy in Bengaluru, said in a LinkedIn post, “I thought I had a strong chance of getting selected as soon as I heard about the position, so I applied quickly.”

Companies using gig labor such as Swiggy and Zomato have a month-on-month turnover rate of 45 per cent, with a large portion migrating to another company to work in similar jobs. On average, a delivery executive stays with a firm for four months before leaving.

“Three categories of individuals joined firms as delivery executives,” said Chirag Mittal, co-founder and CEO of on-demand labor platform Gigforce. “The first part includes people who operated stores or small companies before Covid and when things went downhill during the pandemic.” He was hopeful that the situation would improve.

Swiggy does not comment on hiring initiative for delivery executives