Sushmita Sen Reveals There Was 95 Percent Blockage In Her Main Artery, Says, ‘Lucky To Be On Other Side’- Watch

Mumbai: Sushmita Sen on Saturday revealed on her Instagram Live that she survived a massive heart attack, and further added that she was found to have 95 per cent blockage in her main artery. On Thursday, the former Miss Universe publicly revealed for the first time that she had undergone angioplasty. Sushmita took to social media on Saturday to thank her fans around the world and the team of doctors who “gave her a new lease of life”.

The ‘Arya’ actress said it was due to gym and healthy lifestyle that helped her avoid a heart attack. “I know many of you will stop going to the gym and say, ‘It didn’t help her.’ But this is not good. Blockage in the main artery. I survived because I have kept an active lifestyle. I am so lucky to be on the other side. It doesn’t keep fear in me, instead, it promises me something to do now There is a sense of doing” said the actor.

Sushmita further added, “When you get a new lease of life, you respect it and are careful and that’s when you learn to exercise and strengthen your willpower even more.” The actor cautioned the youth in the age group of 20 years to monitor their heart regularly. Sushmita said, she is completely fine though has not fully recovered from the sore throat.

Watch video shared by Sushmita Sen

See the post giving information about his heart attack

The ‘Biwi No 1’ actor is eager to get back on the shooting floor. She said, “Once I get clearance from my doctors, I will leave for Jaipur to finish Aarya and I will also work on the dubbing of ‘Taali’.” “Keep your heart happy and courageous, and it will stand by you when you need it most,” Sushmita wrote in her Instagram post on Thursday (wise words by my father @sensubir). Days ago…angioplasty was done…stent was placed…and most importantly, my cardiologist confirmed ‘my heart is enlarged’. Many people need to be thanked for their timely help and constructive action… will do that in another post! This post is just to let you (my well wishers and dear ones) know the good news… that all is well and I am ready for some life again!!! I love you guys beyond measure!!!”