Summer Haircare Tips: Home Remedies To Deal With Hair Loss

Every second person is suffering from one of the most common problems – hair fall. From stress and anxiety to hormonal changes, anything and everything can cause hair loss. We try to do a lot of hacks to fix this problem. But, at times, the result is not as per our expectation. Agreed, isn’t it? And, things get even worse during summers. A lot of our hair falls due to sweat, dirt and dandruff on the scalp. So what is the solution? We have some home remedies that you can try. Have a look:

Coconut oil with curry leaves: Take 200 ml of organic coconut oil and add 4 to 5 curry leaves to it. Cook the curry leaves for some more time, when the color starts changing, turn off the flame and let it cool down. Then store it in a glass jar and use it twice a week.

Onion juice: Blend the onion and strain the mixture to get the juice. Then apply onion juice on the scalp and leave it for 40 minutes. Now, shampoo your hair. Repeat this process 1 or 2 times a week.

Egg Yolk Mask: First beat the egg yolk. Then apply the egg yolk on the scalp and leave it for at least 30 minutes. Shampoo your hair.

Amla Juice: Take fresh gooseberry juice and apply it on the scalp. Keep it for 30 minutes. And, wash off with a mild cleanser and conditioner.

Green tea: Soak 2 to 3 green tea bags in a bowl of hot water. And when the solution is ready, let it cool down a bit. Apply it on your scalp and massage lightly.

Fenugreek: Take half a cup of fenugreek seeds and soak them in water overnight. The next morning, grind them into a paste and then apply it on the scalp as a hair mask. Leave it for 30 minutes and then wash off with water.

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