Sudan ready for anti-coup ‘civil disobedience’ – Times of India

Khartoum: Pro-democracy protesters prepare to launch a two-day civil disobedience campaign against Sudan on Saturday. military coup, as the Arab mediators in Khartoum were expected to try to defuse the crisis.
the call was led by Sudanese Professional Association – An umbrella of trade unions that played a key role in the 2018-2019 protest against the now deposed president Omar al-Bashiro.
The SPA urged the protesters to put up barricades and hold two-day staging from Saturday night. peaceful civil disobedience campaign Against the army’s October power grab.
“The Sudanese people have rejected the military coup,” the SPA said on Twitter, adding “no dialogue, no partnership, no legitimacy”.
“We will start by barricading the main roads to prepare mass civil disobedience On Sunday and Monday,” it said, urging the protesters to avoid confrontation with the security forces.
The calls have been broadcast via text messages as internet services have been largely shut down since October 25, the day of the military coup.
On that day, Sudan’s top general Abdel Fattah Al-Burhani Along with the government dissolved the ruling Joint Military-Citizens Sovereign Council.
Burhan also declared a state of emergency and detained Sudan’s civilian leadership, including Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok and members of his government.
Hamdok was later placed under effective house arrest and the military has released four civilian members of his government since Thursday.
However, other prominent personalities have been kept in custody.
The military takeover sparked international condemnation and a chorus of punitive aid cuts, with world powers demanding a swift return to civilian rules.
On Friday, the United Nations Human Rights Council joined global condemnation of the coup, with its chief Michelle Bachelet describing the situation in Sudan as “deeply disturbing”.
Since August 2019, Sudan has been led by a civil-military governance council to transition to full civilian rule.
Last month’s coup triggered nationwide protests that were met with a deadly crackdown that killed at least 14 protesters and injured nearly 300, according to the Independent Central Committee of Sudan’s doctors.
Several mediation efforts between Sudan’s military and civilian leaders for a political solution have since been underway, with no success so far.
On Saturday, the Arab League said a higher tier from the pan-Arab bloc was about to come in another bid.
“The delegation will meet with various Sudanese political leaders … with the aim of supporting efforts to move beyond the current political crisis,” the organization said.
According to Israeli media reports, representatives of the Israeli government are also trying to resolve the crisis.
Sudan last year agreed to normalize relations with the Jewish state.
