Student’s shocking suicide note: Girl safe only in mother’s womb or in grave, parents should teach boys to respect us

Chennai4 hours ago

In Chennai, a class 11 student committed suicide after being fed up with sexual harassment and exploitation. He has also left a suicide note, in which the entire incident has been written. A 21-year-old college student has been arrested in this case under the POCSO Act. In the suicide note, the student has written that a girl remains safe only in her mother’s womb or grave.

Relatives and teachers mentioned in suicide note
The student has written in her suicide note that schools are not safe. Even teachers cannot be trusted. Due to mentally disturbed I am unable to read or sleep. Every parent should teach their children and boys to respect girls. At the end of the suicide note, the student wrote, referring to her relatives and teacher – and stop sexual harassment. Justice for me

The accused student confessed to the crime
In this case, the arrested college student has confessed his crime. In the statement given to the police, the accused told that he had physical relations with the girl student. He was troubling her for the last two weeks. Constantly sending obscene and dirty messages. The accused also told that till 8 months back they had a very good friendship.

Identified three years ago
Police investigation revealed that both the girl student and the accused boy were in the same school. It was here that they became friends three years ago. Later, the girl went to the girls’ school, but after that the two became friends on Instagram. On the basis of the suicide note, the police is also probing whether other people also harassed the girl.

Stalin had appealed to complain
Four girls have committed suicide in Tamil Nadu in the past few weeks due to sexual harassment. In these two cases, the teacher was the accused. On the frequent occurrence of such incidents, the Chief Minister of the state MK Stalin had issued a video message saying that whenever someone loses his life, I feel very sad. Instead of taking such steps, the victims should register the complaint of the accused and punish them.

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